In Cases . Flat 2 . OB/W09-009
1. Different - 03:03
2. We're Others - 02:31
3. Invisible - 01:37
4. Cheers Me Up - 02:37
5. Beaucheif's Sea Shanty (bonus) - 06:51
6. Six Fingers - 02:06
7. I’m Gonna Loose Myself (bonus) - 02:13
8. The Result For An Equation (bonus) - 02:26
9. The Alligator, Girl - 02:06
10. Short Memory - 02:28
11. Paper - 02:52
(English below)
Local de venda no Brasil:
Após o fim do grupo de lofi rock Barins, três deles foram formar o In Cases em junho de 2009.
Inicialmente um trio, e depois um quarteto, a banda In Cases foi formada em Brighton, Inglaterra, com uma formação heterogênea - bateria, guitarra, teclado, voz, sax e instrumentos caseiros de sopro - e influências de artistas como Nico, Neu!, B-52's, John Zorn, Stereolab, Portishead, Battles e Micachu.
A banda durou menos de 2 anos e nesse período teve apenas uma sessão de gravação, que originou o álbum Flat 2; além de algumas gravações de ensaios e vídeos de shows, tudo feito com o celular.
A banda tocou vários shows em cidades da Inglaterra (Brighton, Londres, Bristol, entre outras) e esteve em turnê em 2010 com shows na Inglaterra, Escócia, Irlanda, França, Polônia e Alemanha.
After the split of the lofi rock group Barins, three of them went on to form In Cases in June 2009.
Initially a trio, then a quartet, the band In Cases was formed in Brighton, England, with a heterogeneous formation - drums, guitar, keyboard, voice, sax and other homemade wind instruments - and influences from artists like Nico, Neu!, John Zorn, Stereolab, Portishead, Battles and Micachu.
The band In Cases lasted less than two years and in that time had only one recording session, which originated the album Flat 2; plus some rehearsal recordings and videos from gigs made with the cell phone.
The band played gigs in several cities of England (Brighton, London, Bristol, among others) and was on tour in 2010 with gigs in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Poland and Germany.
6 facts about In Cases:
- they love effects and weird forms and subjects;
- they play instruments like violin, sax, flute, home-made wind instruments, processor, synthesizer, in adittion to the usual drums, keyboard and guitar (and there's no bass-guitar at all);
- they love to live in the UK, even if they're not British;
- they love to play (loud) in new different places;
- they don't like their band's name that much right now;
- they love their songs madly.
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